Dr. Allal Ez-Zahouany addresses 1200 Islamic Figures from 127 Countries representing 28 Islamic Components at the MWL conference on Islamic Unity: Perlis of Labeling & Exclusion, held in Makkah under the Patronage of the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques. Muslim Makkah Conference.
Dr. Allal Ez-Zahouany - Secretary General of the Forum of the Center - Belgium
- Muslims in the West enjoy the rights of citizenship, equality, and recognition of the right of difference and distinction in matters of belief.
- The Muslim World League contributed to the establishment and construction of many Islamic institutions in non-Muslim countries.
- Scholars should intensify their efforts of care provided to Muslims residing in Western countries.
- The message of Muslims everywhere is to benefit people as much and to cooperate with them.
- Islamic institutions, centers and organizations in Western countries should strive to serve issues that would benefit the general interest of Muslims.
Monday, 31 December 2018 - 09:34