The Muslim World League expanded distribution of halal meat to communities in need in…
The MWL in Lebanon is working swiftly to provide urgent relief supplies to those…
The Muslim World League offers condolences and solidarity to the people of Beirut…
The agreement aims to promote dialogue & understanding between Muslim & non-…
The Muslim World League commends the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a successful Hajj2020…
The MWL office in Madrid is providing financial support for the purchase of medical…
The Muslim World League's community aid programs in Comoros have reached 1.1+…
As part of MWL's commitment to fostering interfaith relationships, HE Dr. Mohammad…
This project is a continuation of the MWL's ongoing humanitarian aid
MWL steps up to help communities in need of assistance after natural disasters
We have all seen in recent days how important it is that we as societies – and even as a…
The Muslim World League (MWLOrg_en) inaugurated a project in Pakistan on Eid AlAdha…
The MWL actively works to break down barriers between religions
we must all do our part to safeguard the planet
The Muslim World League is committed to providing critical medical supplies to…