Every day, MWL works across cultures, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds to build…
In response to the UN 's urgent response plan to address coronavirus
MWL Magazine March 2020
Sunnah Itikaf takes place during the last 10 days of Ramadan
The MWL is providing financial assistance to purchase protective equipment and other…
The Musl im World League is breaking down walls through dialogue with communities around…
The MWL is providing food assistance in Nigeria
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa: There has never been a just reason for bigotry
The MWL in Malawi is helping to mitigate the adverse effects of the COVID19
The MWL is working in Bosnia-Herzegovina to provide material support to mitigate the…
The Muslim World League in partnership with the Islamic Cultural Center of Madrid…
MWL is providing financial support to the government for the purchase of medical…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa "To fight the evils of hatred and extremism, all individuals…
The MWL launched a health campaign to raise awareness about coronavirus and to assist…
MWL's programs seek to empower youth with the resources they need to thrive