Dr. Mohammad Alissa: calling the atrocities that happened there a “crime against…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa lights a candle at the Wall of Executions in memory of all those…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa and delegates from the Muslim World League and AJCGlobalarrive…
Last year, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC
MWL Magazine November 2019
The MWL is a tolerant and sociable organization, spreading the understanding the…
This week, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa visited the historic Ambrosian Library Ambrosiana 1609…
The MWL promotes tolerance and interfaith cooperation to create a more peaceful world…
The MWL promotes love and brotherhood between all peoples
The Muslim World League's visit is a sign of collaboration & peace building
6 months ago, HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa led a delegation to Senegal to visit the sites of…
MWL raises the banner of Islamic tolerance by providing humanitarian aid and engaging in…
HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa:Forces of extremism have distorted the true meaning of Islam
the MWL launched an interfaith summit, which featured more than 2,000 religious leaders…
Interfaith respect and cooperation are necessary to attain a more peaceful world and…