With his wife, Italian physicist Sartico gifted the MWL 's Rome Office his book…
HE MWL SG delivers at Sarbon University a lecture attended by a number of students and…
Professor Francesco of the Pontifical Institute visited Dr. Sarhan the MWL 's…
Senegalese Foreign Minister Siddiq Kaba sent a letter of appreciation 2 the MWL 4…
MWL carries out humanitarian & relief programs to combat blindness in Africa by…
A number of Islamic dignitaries visit the Muslim World League's exhibition held on…
The MWL presents a research paper in the Islamic Endowment Conference in Makkak titled…
His Excellency the President of Guinea Conakry Professor Alfa Condé receiving HE the SG…
Excerpts from SG addrress at Cairo Conf.on Fatwa Role in Stability of societies,attended…
Speaking to the Fatwa conference in Cairo, the SG said "Who uses his knowledge 2…
Speaking to the Fatwa conference in Cairo, SG said "living Fatwas lack thought and…
Under the Egyptian President's patronage, HE the SG talked about the role of Fatwa…
H.E. the SG received Award of promoting inerfaith & cultural rapprochement &…
HE the MWL's SG meets with the Dean of the Islamic Institute in Paris Dr. Daleel…
The MWL answers numerous polls on Islamic centers; in particular Brussels Center (the…