HE Dr. Mohammad Alissa : Every person has a responsibility to be truthful, tolerant, and…
World Water Day Droplet the MWL recognizes the importance of water for sustainable…
Learn more about how the Charter of Makkah calls for anti-extremism and respect for…
Dr. Mohammad Alissa visited Russia to celebrate the opening of the largest mosque in…
MWL embodies this teaching though its numerous humanitarian aid programs around the…
Truth of faith and religion does not change. However, the approach of presenting it…
The MWL in Jordan distributes Ramadan Iftar coupons for Syrian refugees
The MWL supports women's empowerment within its organization and around the world…
We celebrates women around the world who are contributing to a more peaceful and…
In Islam, Mercy is like the lungs by which life can breathe
Labeling & excluding people occur simultaneously. Labeling people for the sake of…
MWL Magazine Vol49 Issue 4
Social media brings out the hate in individuals
MWL Magazine Vol55 Issue 2
Malaysia provides an excellent example of tolerance and coexistence in religiously and…